Balcones Park Project Updates

8/29/2019   Northern Walnut Creek Trail in Balcones Park PROJECT UPDATE

We have received word that the City has authorized the contractor to repair erosion along the newly completed paved trail section between Amherst and the ball field near Scribe, as well as replace sections of trail that shifted and cracked.  Parts of the trail will need to be temporarily closed for some of this work.  We will try to provide advance notice as soon as we find out when they will be starting the repairs.


We are continuing to make progress working off the financial and volunteer time commitments made to secure the grant which enabled the repair of the creekside trail from Duval to the connection with the Northern Walnut Creek Trail.  New Trash cans with Recycling bins were installed this summer and volunteers patched trail, shored up the sides of the trail with rock, seeded wildflowers and natives grasses and more.

Please consider coming out on Nov. 2nd, for It’s My Park Day to help clean up the park, maintain trees/landscaping and make trail repairs.  Working in the park can be a lot of fun! It is a great way to meet neighbors and get some exercise too!

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