General Mtg: March 26, 2024

Milwood NA’s General Resident Meeting

Tues, March 26, 2024 at 7pm at Milwood Baptist Church

We hope you can join us to discuss all things Milwood! All are welcome: owners, renters, etc! Come here what is new in our area and voice your concerns.

Click HERE to see the notes and slides from the previous Milwood NA Resident Meeting.

Open to all Residents: Owners & Renters alike, not only those that pay the $15 voluntary annual dues

Please join MNA for the below agenda.

It’s also a great time to pay your voluntary MNA Member Dues, which are $15 per year, but it is not a requirement to join the meeting, only to vote.

7:00pm: Meeting Begins
– Past & Upcoming MNA Events:
– Garage Sale
– Batteries, Oil, Paint & Antifreeze Collection Event
– And many others
– Land Development Code Changes – Stage 2
– Neighborhood Next Steps to Maintain Restrictive Covenants
– Review of Balcones Pool, Balcones Park & Playground Improvement
– Resident Concerns or Questions, ie improvements & issues
– Open Floor to Discuss Resident’s Thoughts and Concerns

8:30pm: Meeting Adjourned

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