General Mtg: Nov 8, 2021

Milwood NA’s General Resident Meeting

Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 7pm via Zoom

We hope you can join us to discuss all things Milwood! All are welcome: owners, renters, etc! Come here what is new in our area and voice your concerns.
PLEASE RSVP so we can email you the zoom link as the date approaches – Click here to RSVP.

Click HERE to see the notes and slides from the previous Milwood NA Resident Meeting.

Open to all Residents: Owners & Renters alike, not only those that pay the $15 voluntary annual dues

Please join MNA for the below agenda.

It’s also a great time to pay your voluntary MNA Member Dues, which are $15 per year, but it is not a requirement to join the meeting, only to vote.

7:00pm: Meeting Begins
– Past & Upcoming MNA Events:
– Batteries, Oil, Paint & Antifreeze Collection Event
– Garage Sale
– It’s My Park Day
– Milwood Library Update
– STRs – Short Term Rentals in the Neighborhood
– Recycling Right
– Completed Projects in the area
– Incomplete Projects in the area
– Crime Report, Key Concerns & Neighborhood Watch in Milwood
– Review of Balcones Pool, Balcones Park & Playground Improvement
– Resident Concerns or Questions, ie improvements & issues
– Open Floor to Discuss Resident’s Thoughts and Concerns

8:30pm: Meeting Adjourned

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