Advertising with MNA

If you are interested in advertising with the Milwood Neighborhood Association, please contact us.

Primary options include:

  • Our “Milwood Supporter” program gets you listed on the Milwood site for 3 months and listed in one of our email blasts during that time. Email listings are not exclusive, but we will not group competing businesses (i.e., multiple realtors) in the same email.  You may, of course, purchase multiple seasons if you choose. The cost at this time is $50 per 3 months, and may change at any time at the sole discretion of MNA.
  • You can also choose to underwrite a postcard mailing we do about 2 times a year.  Please contact the board to inquire.  Sponsoring a mailing also gives you a full year of listing as a Milwood Supporter and two email mentions in the year.
  • If you have a consumer good or service that would make a good prize in a raffle, we are always interested in making those available to residents in the annual July 4th event that brings 400+ people in the neighborhood. We suggest the prize have a minimum value of $25.
  • In-kind contributions for the annual July 4th event—i.e. food, drinks, entertainment—are always welcome.
  • We are always open to hearing your creative ideas as well!