Milwood Improvement Project

The list of the Milwood Improvement Project Suggestions from Milwood Residents:
– A “Welcome to Milwood” sign at each end of Milwood & a welcoming boulevard that is dryscaped near Amherst/Parmer
– A fenced dog park
– An educational campaign on the issue of residents not picking up after their dogs
– Address the issue of drivers going 40+ mph down Wycliff and Cabana and other major thru streets
– A side walk to continue up Dorsett along the train tracks
– Continuing the No Dumping Campaign
– Clean-up the lot next to the Library and protect some of the trees there.
– Tennis Courts added to Balcones District Park (Committee Formed and Committee Members begin accepted. Click here to join.)

If you would like to stay up-to-date on any of these or join a committee to get any of these completed using the help of a City Grant, click here.

2 Responses to Milwood Improvement Project

  1. Jason Turner says:

    I dig the dog park and dry scape idea.
    I’d also like to see people obey the speed on Amherst since I, and our neighbors walk our dogs, kids ride their backs, and just the noise from the street increases with speed. I know it’s used by EMS, buut if theere is anything we could do.

  2. Laura Branch says:

    Great ideas! I would like to see some of the greenspace next to the library developed slightly into a little park with a couple of picnic tables and a little trail.

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