Milwood NA’s Resident General Meeting – Tues., March 26 at 7pm

Join us for Milwood’s Resident Meeting on Tues. March 26 at 7pm at Milwood Baptist Church!

All Welcome: Owners & Renters alike and not just paid members.

Click HERE for the Slides if you missed the meeting.

Tues., March 26 at 7pm
Milwood Baptist Church (corner of Cassady/Cabana)

We hope you can join us to discuss all things Milwood! Come hear what is new in our area and voice your concerns.

PLEASE RSVP so we can plan for you.

Open to all Residents: Owners & Renters alike, not only those that pay the $15 voluntary annual dues though voting will be limited to dues paying / active members.

RSVP in the Facebook Event for a gentle reminder.

Want to take a more active role in your neighborhood? Or Have any agenda ideas for the fall General Resident Meeting for Milwood?

We want to hear from you! Give us your feedback on items you would like addressed or included at Milwoodna1<at>

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1 Response to Milwood NA’s Resident General Meeting – Tues., March 26 at 7pm

  1. Debby Lewis says:

    Zoom link??

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