I. Introduction of the board.
II. Announcement that dues will now also be collected at general meetings and that we can now accept credit card payment’s.
III. Neighborhood Watch.
A. An explanation of the block captain was given by Jill Mayfield, as well as a request for more volunteers to become block captains
B. An announcement was made about National Night Out was made. Photos from national night out were requested to go on the website.
C. An update was given about the rise in property crime in the neighborhood and the APD rep Michael Whetston’s information was given.
D. Two websites wear presented to help people track local crime
1. www.lovenorthaustin.com
2. www.spotcrime.com
IV. Update on the trail project.
A. An update was given on the trail project in Balcones District Park
B. It was proposed that we post something on the website to ask for volunteers to clear the trail.
C. Eric Harris stated that he placed an online 311 request regarding the trail but the problem has not been addressed.
D. It was proposed that a committee to contact the city regarding the trail project be formed and Eric Hauis would be the lead contact person for the committee.
V. Elections
A. A short presentation was given describing Prop. 1 on the November ballot to increase property taxes to increase the funding of the central healthcare district. The increase would raise property taxes 5 cents per 100 dollars of value.
B. A presentation was given explaining the differences between the two Propositions on the ballot aiming to change the way the city council is configured.
1. Prop 3 would put in place a ten member council elected from single member geographic districts with an at-large Mayor. The proposition would leave redistricting to a citizens committee.
2. Prop 4 would put in place a ten member council where eight members would be elected from single member geographic districts and two would be elected at large with an at-large Mayor. Redistricting would be done by the city council.