Sign up published for March 7, 2020, It’s My Park Day

Dear Neighbors, please consider coming out and to help clean up and maintain Balcones Park trees, trails and landscaping.

Date/Time – Saturday March 7, 2020 9AM -12 Noon

Here is the link to sign up: Balcones Park Cleanup, Beautification and Trail Work

Here are some of the projects we will be taking on:

-Trash Clean up throughout park and greenbelt
-Weed and mulch planted trees in main park area (by pool, basketball court, parking lot.)
-Rebuild berms to prevent erosion of trail from pool area to Duval access to Creekside trail
-Clear out underbrush from Heritage Oak at Ballfield area.
-Trail maintenance – repair erosion along creekside trail, remove rock from creekside trail, remove old t-posts, etc.
-Reconnect singletrack trail to new paved trail and block erosion prone access points
-Pool bathhouse planting (spread S. Coccinea seed, other shade tolerant wildflowers)
-Invasive species removal (Ligustrum, Chinaberry, Nandina, Johnsongrass)

Want to help more?  As always we are in need of additional team leaders to help manage individual projects. No experience necessary, just an hour or so of advanced coordination to make things go smoothly of the day of the event. Please Contact Erik if you are interested!

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