Mobility & Safe Routes to School INPUT needed ASAP!

We need your feedback & ideas to help capture some bond dollars for our area!!!

We have the chance to fight for some of the 2016 Mobility Bond dollars that are currently unspoken for BUT in order to do so we need to gather data and valuable input from you now! We will then compile it and build our case in hopes that some of those dollars can be matched with improvements in our area.

Specifically there is $27.5 million dollars in the bond that is to be used for Safe Routes to Schools. SO if you currently or will one day have a child going to Summitt Elementary (or be bused to Murchison or Anderson) then PLEASE take 15 minutes to complete this SCHOOL ROUTES SURVEY here.

If you have additional ideas to share that do NOT fit in the Safe Routes to School area, please add them on the Other Improvement Survey or Map. We can’t make our case without your input!

An example of a project that will hopefully happen with these bond dollars is the addition of missing sidewalk on Adelphi Lane, east of Amherst to Scribe. Project details here. Please note: We are in the process of working with the city to get this sidewalk moved to the south side of the street rather than where it is currently outlined for the north side. Thoughts? Email us at mnaboard(a) with feedback.

Complete the Safe Routes to SCHOOL Survey NOW!
Complete the Other Improvement Survey NOW!

RSVP to the Mobility & Transportation Meeting: NEXT Wednesday, Oct 24th at 7:30pm at Milwood Baptist Church to discuss this topic further.

Please, Please complete the survey above!

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