From the City’s Public Information Contact:
Dear neighbors,
Beginning Dec. 23, the City’s contractor will begin preparations to construct a portion of the Northern Walnut Creek Trail within Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park. On Jan. 4, 2014, some of the existing trails within the park will be closed to the public for safety reasons (see attached map). The trail closures will be in effect from January 2014 through September 2014. Maps of the closures will be posted within the park. EXBT-WalnutCreekMetroParkTrailClosings
Phase 1 of the Northern Walnut Creek Trail will connect Balcones District Park to Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park. Construction will consist of a 10′ wide concrete trail with 2′ shoulders. The 3 mile-long trail will have approximately 9 creek crossings and 4 trail heads.
Phase 1 is expected to be complete in late 2014.
If you know someone who would like to be added to our distribution list to receive future updates, please have them contact us. Thank you for your continued patience and please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Project contacts are:
City of Austin Project Manager
Richard Duane
(512) 974-7730
Public Information Officer
Carolyn Perez
(512) 974-7139