02-02-2020 update – Approximately 41 of the dead trees and shrubs were replaced in mid January 2020. Since the contractor’s warranty period is about to expire, we have continually asked how the replaced trees will be cared for and watered to make sure the $60,000 investment in landscaping is not wasted as occurred on the previous trail section (Scribe to Mopac). Staff indicated at the 1/28/2020 Parks Board Meeting that they are working on a plan to water trees and will look into how to address the trees that died in the Scribe to Mopac section. We hope they will have a plan in place before summer arrives.
This page documents the City’s failure to ensure the survival of trees planted for the Northern Walnut Creek Trail project – Phase 1 (Mopac to Scribe). This section of trail was combined with a sewer project that used Balcones Park to access the construction area.
The contract plans called for planting a total of $59,385.00 worth of trees to replace trees removed for the Trail and Wastewater Projects.
In December 2017, the irrigation system was damaged. This was reported to the City’s project manager. Repeated inquiries have been made.
As of 9/22/2019 the dead trees are still there, the few trees that are still alive remain unwatered during the current drought.
Total cost to taxpayers – $21,835 and rising (since more trees will be dead soon due to lack of watering)
The current trail project was also neglecting to water the trees this summer until neighbors noticed and we contacted city staff. [link to email] This project has $65,730.00 worth of trees. [Link to photos and video 9/18/19 conditions]
documents related to Northern Walnut Creek Trail project – Phase 1 -Segments 1 & 2 (Mopac to Scribe)
memo to city with cost estimate for dead trees
email from project manager regarding contractor non-responsiveness to tree warranty issue
landscaping plans included on contract documents
Documents related to Northern Walnut Creek Trail project – Phase 1 Segments 3-4-5 (Scribe to Amherst)
tree planting-landscaping plans