Volunteers Needed on Milwood’s Mobility Work Group & Neighborhood Planning Committee

We are in need of volunteers to help us make a BIG impact within our little community!

Council Member Pool has generously offered to help us improve our neighborhood by facilitating a Mobility Work Group & a Neighborhood Planning Committee for Milwood in the near future… so now we just need volunteers to help establish the committees and gather the feedback / divide the work load.

1. Mobility Work Group to address Traffic Concerns present and future to include such concerns as cut through traffic, Dorsett/Railroad, Adelphi/Waters Park, Crosswalk into Balcones Park, Amherst/Duval Intersection, Turn Lane onto Adelphi from East bound Parmer and others. Volunteer or Sign up to Learn More HERE.

2. Neighborhood Planning Committee to get Milwood in the cue and to create a neighborhood plan which could be so beneficial to have on record with the City as it allows us to take a proactive role in the planning process and decide how our neighborhood will move into the future by establishing our desires on land code within and surrounding our neighborhood. Volunteer or Sign up to Learn More HERE.

Did you miss the Milwood Neighborhood General Meeting? That’s ok, check out the notes here:
CapMetro Presentation
General Meeting Presentation


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