Opportunity to provide input in City sidewalk, urban trails, bicycle plans!

Important – the survey closes 3/6/2022
Helpful hint – Check the challenges/gaps, new connections and challenging crossings on the left first, then add your ideas per the instructions and/or agree/disagree with existing comments.  There is also an instruction video on the city website here: https://www.austintexas.gov/department/atx-walk-bike-roll

From the City website:
Where would you like to see new urban trails, on-street bikeways, or improved street crossings in Austin? Using the ATX Walk Bike Roll Public Input Map, you can show us where you’d like to see new or improved routes for walking, biking, or rolling. The input map is available now through March 6, 2022. All public input received through the map will be evaluated to update the City of Austin’s plans for urban trails, bikeways, and sidewalks – including improved street crossings.

Some ideas for Milwood – these are already entered, but feel free to add your own, agree, or disagree!

-connection from Dorsett to Whispering Valley Drive (this would enable safer, albeit longer access to Yett Creek Park, Riata, etc.)
-make the trail that loops from Balcones, under Duval to National Instruments, back under Duval to Dorsett an official urban trail.
-sidewalk connection from the Eton/Amherst to the pool so people don’t have to walk in the driveway.
-sidewalk connection from Adelphi into the library so people don’t have to walk in the driveway.


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