Cap Metro Changes Proposed

Following is a list of proposed Cap Metro changes in bus and Metro Rail service. At the bottom, there is a list of meeting dates and places for public input.

January 2011 Proposed Service Changes

Capital Metro is seeking public feedback on several proposed changes to its transit system. These changes are in accordance with Capital Metro’s Service Standards and are based on recommendations from ServicePlan2020, a 10-year plan to improve bus service. The proposed changes will improve route directness and connectivity while increasing efficiency of the system.

We are aware that there is concern about the changes to Routes 984 and 986 and have organized a community conversation about this proposal in Leander for Thursday, August 26, at 6:30 PM in the Leander Public Library at 1011 South Bagdad Road . This will be an opportunity for MetroExpress Riders and CapMetro Planners to discuss the proposal and get their questions answered.
Click the link to download the Proposed January Service Change Brochure.

Route Modifications/Improvements
· 1M North Lamar/S Congress (via metric)
Realign route from Rutland to Rundberg to improve route directness and reduce transfers. This change would reduce transfers between Route 325 Ohlen and Routes 1L/1M.
· 142 Metric Flyer
Realign route from Lamplight to Amherst and adjust schedule to reflect ridership patterns.
· 214 Lago Vista Feeder & NW Dial-a-Ride
Consolidate both routes and begin flexible service. Route 214 Lago Vista Flex would improve efficiency and offer new and improved service to Cedar Park and Lago Vista.
· 240 Parkfield
Realign route from Parkfield and Braker to Rutland and Burnet. Improve frequency and add weekend service.

· 243 Wells Branch
Shorten Route 243 at Howard Station and increase frequency to maximize efficiency and ridership potential in high density areas.
· 333 William Cannon
Realign service along Bluff Springs and William Cannon and extend route further east to Thaxton Rd.
· 987 Leander/NW Express
Add three morning trips and three afternoon trips to provide additional commute options for 984 and 986 riders. Schedule would also be adjusted.
· 990 Manor Express
Realign route from I-35 to Lamar and Guadalupe to provide improved access to major employers; and remove service from Harris Branch due to low ridership. Add one morning and afternoon trip and adjust schedule.
· Capital Metro is planning a new Manor Park & Ride to meet demand and offer more capacity. CARTS will continue to operate this route and begin the service in Elgin before connecting to the Manor P&R.
· Capital MetroRail
Schedule adjustments and possible trips added to MetroRail service. Adjustments would also be made on rail connector routes (460-466) to coincide with the new proposed rail schedule.

Route Eliminations
· 174 Burnet Limited
Remove route due to low ridership and service duplication. Alternative service would be provided by Routes 1M, 3, and 240.
· 984 Northwest Direct/ 986 Leander Direct
Eliminate routes due to duplicative service in Northwest US 183 corridor. Alternative service would be provided by Route 987 and MetroRail.

Community Outreach
With any service change, Capital Metro seeks feedback on the proposed changes before submitting a final proposal to the Capital Metro Board of Directors for approval. Customers and the community are welcome to attend the following meetings:

Neighborhood Meetings
Leander Public Library, 1011 South Bagdad Rd.
Thursday, Aug. 26, 6:30-8pm

Public Meetings
Capital Metro Transit Store, 323 Congress
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 12:00-1:30pm
Served by downtown routes

Tech Ridge Park & Ride, 900 Center Ridge Rd.
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 4:30-6:00pm
Served by Routes 1L, 1M, 243, 392, 935

Capital Metro Transit Store, 323 Congress
Wednesday, Sept. 8, 12:00-1:30pm
Served by Downtown routes

Austin Community College Northridge, 11928 Stonehollow Dr .
Wednesday, Sept. 8, 5:30-7:00pm
Served by Routes 1M, 142, 174

Leander Station, 800 N. Hwy 183
Monday, Sept. 13, 5:00-6:30pm
Served by Routes 983, 986, 987

Lakeline Station , 13701 Lyndhurst St.
Tuesday, Sept. 14, 4:30-6:00pm
Served by Routes 214, 383, 983, 984, 987

Public Hearing
Capital Metro Headquarters, 2910 E. 5th St .
Monday, Sept. 20, 11:00-12:00pm
Served by routes 17, 300

Based on feedback from customers, employees and the community, Capital Metro will refine the proposed changes and seek final approval from the Capital Metro Board on Friday, Sept. 24. If approved these changes would take effect Jan. 16, 2011.

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