Monday Night Easy Runs

MONDAY EASY RUNS (every Monday)
Come start the NEW YEAR off right!
Balcones District Park, 12017 Amherst Drive, Austin, TX 78727
6:30pm, Bring a WATER BOTTLE and a TOWEL or MAT for stretching/core.
*It will be dark when we are running, so flashing lights (blinkies), headlamps and reflective clothing help keep us safe!

This is a group of runners, walkers and triathletes who meet to supplement their training and to hold themselves accountable to their fitness goals. All runners and walkers are welcome, regardless of age or fitness level. So, whether you have been running for years or you are just coming off the couch, you are welcome! The focus is to stay active through the winter. And there will be tips on running (or walking) enjoyably and injury free each week. A route will be provided with a suggested focus for the workout. We end each workout with stretching and an optional core workout. All sessions are FREE and right in your neighborhood. So, walk on over and join us!

Sponsored by
Coach Cindy
USAT Level I Certified Triathlon Coach
USAFit Certified Running Coach
Boston Marathon Qualifier
Ironman Florida Finisher

A note from and about the coach:

Even though I have been successful as an above average age group competitor in running and triathlon, I am one of the most relaxed and easy going athletes you will find! If being an athlete was not enjoyable, I would not be one! So, my focus as a coach is to help others enjoy athleticism, too. As a result, I especially love working with new athletes of all ages and walks of life, emphasizing fun and injury prevention so that they will be more likely to stick to an active lifestyle. Come join us on Monday evenings and find out how fun and safe workouts can be! –Coach Cindy

And if you need some tips for making your 2012 fitness goals happen, keep reading…

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