Community Garden Initiative

A community garden initiative is underway in the hopes of bringing some life and beauty to an underdeveloped tract in the Walnut Crossing and Milwood neighborhood area.   Please contact Sabrina Joplin at to discuss what volunteer, steering committee, or leadership roles you may be interested in. Details on steering and leadership roles are outline in the Community Garden Information Packet (link below) and a general meeting will be coming soon!

–from Sabrina Joplin:
We have already received approval from the City of Austin to plan for a site on the SE corner of Adelphi and Amherst.  It is a public ROW managed by the public works department that they have approved for the use of a community garden. The primary goal is to establish an organic food garden that integrates sustainable, water conscious practices such as rain water collection, composting, mulching, and the ‘Integrated Pest Management’ ( We will maintain periphery areas with native or well adapted and pest resistant landscaping.  The produce will be shared amongst the gardeners with a portion to be donated to a local food bank or charity.  We hope to make this garden an integral part of our community with plenty of opportunities for community involvement including providing educational classes or workshops open to the community. We are in the process of becoming a City Endorsed Community garden, following the guidelines outlined in the Community Garden Information Packet/Permit Application. (  We are currently applying to have our garden sponsored by the Sustainable Food Center of Austin.  These are the early planning stages and we encourage all interested parties to please sign up for our list serve here and get involved!


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