Author Archives: Will S.
Milwood’s Neighborhood Garage Sale: 30+ Houses – April 25
Milwood’s Neighborhood-wide Garage Sale was a great success with over 30+ houses. With good traffic, the sellers made some cash, cleaned out some space and met some neighbors. Check back in for the Fall Neighborhood Garage Sale, probably in October.
Candidates running for District 7
The Statesman posted an article describing the candidates running for District 7. Enjoy!
Found Dog!
Lost Dachshund found off of Arrowwood Dr. Gender: Male Color: Mostly black with brown markings. Found: Afternoon of 04/12/2014 Description: Short Haired, fixed male with no collar. Long tail and very sweet. Contact Michael at 512 497 2366
General Meeting 4/16 at 7pm
Mark your calendars! Milwood neighborhood’s general meeting is right around the corner. Come meet your neighbors and hear the latest Milwood news! Milwood General Meeting Wednesday, April 16 7pm at the Milwood Library. See you there!
More Changes at Cap Metro
“Capital Metro initiated a big change in January, when it rolled out its first MetroRapid bus rapid transit service. Now it’s planning two more major service changes: the end of buses on Congress Avenue, and its second MetroRapid route, linking the high-growth corridors … Continue reading
Thank you for supporting our park!
Thanks to those of you who came out to clean up Balcones District Park this past Saturday. Here are a few pictures of your neighbors in action and the HUGE piles of trash cleaned from our park. Great job, … Continue reading
Found Dog
Update: Dog reunited with owner. Thanks, Clover! White and tan terrier mix, female with old red leather collar. Friendly, possibly deaf. Found on Dec 25th, while walking along Harcourt. Contact Clover @ 512-470-7646.