Want Curbside Composting Now? Register for it through MNA’s Group Rate

Click Here to Sign-up for the service: IF you live in Milwood, Northwood, Preston Oaks, Walnut Crossing, Mesa Park or Balcones Woods.

Click Here to Sign-up: IF you are interested in getting the service – if you live in Angus Valley, Rattan Creek, Bancroft Woods or McNeil to Anderson Mill.



We are excited to announce that Milwood Neighborhood Association (MNA) is partnering with Break it Down, a local composting and recycling business, to offer a Weekly Curbside Composing Service!

This means that once a week Break it Down will pick up your week’s worth of food waste and haul it off to a commercial composter to be turned into a nutrient dense soil instead of adding to the landfill! This week and every one after until the City finally reaches our neighborhood in 2-5 years.

A few bonuses for outsourcing this task – they can take lots more items than a backyard composter and you don’t have to deal with the yuck.

How it works:
Break It Down will provide each participating household a 5-gallon black bucket with an air-tight lid for collecting food waste throughout the week. An additional black bucket can be ordered at no extra cost, because really, if you are collecting that much compostable waste – you rock!

• The cool thing about composting with Break it Down is that they collect just about everything that can be composted – fruit and veggie scraps, meat, grains, bones, dairy, compostable serviceware, paper towels, paper plates, hair, tissues, pizza boxes, even 100% cotton clothing! If it grows, it goes. Find a more extensive list below.

• As an added bonus because Break it Down is also a recycling company, they can take household recyclables that larger haulers cannot. Plastic films (add link to image attached) can be collected in plastic bags, tied-off when full and put next to your compost bin for pick-up. Aseptic packaging (like what soymilk comes in or juice boxes) can also be collected in a plastic bag, tied-off when full and set out by your bin.

The cost of this service is only $14/month or if you pay in 3 month increments the cost drops to just $12/month. For ease and convenience, payments can be made by credit or debit card via auto-payment. Link to pay via Credit Card HERE.

– If you would prefer to not have to clean out your bucket, Break it Down can swap out a clean bucket each week for an additional $9 per month.

– There is an option to purchase a start-up composting package that includes a 2-gallon countertop compost bucket and compostable bag liners for $28 plus tax (90 liners would last between 3 and 6 months depending on regularity of use). Additional packs of compostable bag liners (90 bags per pack, 2.5 gallon size) would be available for $15 plus tax as needed, delivered on the pick-up day directly following the order.

And that’s it!

Milwood Neighborhood Association and Break it Down are excited to get Milwood Residents as close to zero-waste as possible here in Austin!

To join in, please click Here to pay via Credit Card IF you live in Milwood, Northwood, Preston Oaks, Walnut Crossing, Mesa Park or Balcones Woods.

Click Here to Sign-up if you are interested in getting the service IF you live in Angus Valley, Rattan Creek, Bancroft Woods or McNeil to Anderson Mill.

To join in and pay via direct/debit, please email Melanie@breakitdownaustin.com for the ACH payment form.

You can also feel free to email Melanie or call 512-940-7232 should you have any questions.

Thank you and happy composting!

> You can also drop your compost off at the Adelphi Acre Garden where they happily accept your compost for free, if you are interested in this option – please email us for specifics on what they accept, which is mainly very clean compost – fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grinds, & egg shells.

5galcompostbucketComposting Items Accepted


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