Improve your city or neighborhood with NPP

Neighborhood Partnering Program (NPP) will be holding a series of NPP Office Hours in all parts of town where Austinites can stop by and learn more about the program and brainstorm ideas. More information from the NPP:

“Greetings from the City of Austin Neighborhood Partnering Program,

We want to help you enhance your neighborhood! Is there a vacant piece of City property that your neighborhood dreams of improving? Or green space that could bloom into a community garden or pocket park? Whatever it may be, the City of Austin’s Neighborhood Partnering Program (NPP) can help. We’re coming to YOUR neighborhood to discuss how we can work together to turn your neighborhood wish list into reality. Join us for Office Hours at your local library, recreation center or community garden. During these sessions, we’ll brainstorm new ideas for your neighborhood, talk through existing ideas, and explain our program process.

Want more info or to view the complete list of Office Hours? Visit the following link or contact program manager Justin Golbabai (512-974-6439) for more information.

– Neighborhood Partnering Program

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3 Responses to Improve your city or neighborhood with NPP

  1. Joe Celko says:

    Where is the money coming from? Local taxes? State? Federal? Non-profits? Philanthropy?

  2. The best person to answer that would be NPP. Contact listed above.

  3. All work is scheduled be completed with all lane closures picked up, and off the road, by 5 AM on Monday morning.

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