Neighborhood Watch Alert!

The following was forwarded to me by a friend who lives in the Walnut Creek Neighborhood and thought this information would be good for us to be aware of as well.

A friend of mine over in Gracy Farms told me about a string of
robberies in his neighborhood.  Two guys park a large moving truck in
front of a house, break-in and then load up the moving truck.  All of
this is being done in broad daylight.  Apparently they case the
neighborhood first distributing door hangers, cards, or something else
that gives them a chance to check the door knobs and get closer to the
house.  Apparently the thieves have also been checking mailboxes.

I’m writing to tell you this because today an unmarked white box truck
was driving erratically and two guys jumped out and started puting
business cards on doors.  The cards were for a painting
service.  I’ve never known painters to show up in a moving truck, so I
am more than a little suspicious.  The guys weren’t dressed like
painters either.  When I saw the truck I called my friend to get some
more information.  He in turn called his policeman neighbor.  These
men and the truck match the description of the robbers in Gracy
Farms.  Because of the recent break-ins, Gracy Farms is on heavy
patrol right now and there are cops in the neighborhood 24 hours a
day.  It would make sense, to me, that the robbers would be looking
for new territory.

Anyway,  if you see any suspicious activity or see movers at someones
house who you didn’t think were moving, please report it to the

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