Volunteer opportunity at Summitt

Summitt Elementary has approx. 26 young trees that need some extra TLC. In the spring of 2007, Hammad Rahman, a member of Boy Scout Troop 421, planted 30 trees on the Summitt campus for his Eagle Scout Project. There are five types of trees; all are shade trees that can grow up to 50 feet high! Most are planted along Mosely by the parking lot, and also along the driveway to the front entrance of the school. TreeFolks (a non-profit urban forestry organization) donated all the trees, on the condition that the trees get watered regularly for two years. Thanks to a rainy summer last year, and then watering by Hammad, his mother, and many volunteers, most of the trees have survived. But it’s now drier than it’s ever been and we need some extra help.

The next three watering sessions will be on Saturday, Oct. 4th, Sat. Oct.18, and Sat. Nov. 1st, from 9:00 a.m. to approx. 10:30 a.m. There will be someone there in charge who knows the procedure and has the necessary keys, hoses, etc. If you’re interested in helping one Saturday, please contact Ann Sullivan at 873-7254 or asullivan88@att.net. Please contact Ann first, since is possible to have too many volunteers which leads to people just standing around! Thanks so much for your interest

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