Friendly reminder: Bulk Collection starts for Milwood next Monday, Feb 12!
Please remember to hold back the recyclable items (plastic bins/ridged plastic, etc) and place them in/near your blue bins the following week because everything picked up by the bulk item trucks go directly to the LANDFILL. The only thing that is picked up separately is tires because it is illegal to bury a tire in Texas. According to the Austin Resource Recovery official that we just spoke to the city used to pull out appliances or large metal items and recycle them however the “pickers” have taken over that job so the city no longer finds it cost effective to send out additional trucks for that.
If you have useable furniture, clothes, household items, misc, books, etc – Salvation Army will pick it up for free:
The sooner your items reach the curb the more chance they have of being repurposed/recycled by someone which brings forward the point of…. Lots of trucks/trailers will be going through the neighborhood this weekend so secure your front yard belongings and lock your doors!
The city won’t pick up any batteries, paints, oil, antifreeze so keep an eye out for our Milwood neighborhood event in the spring that will get those for you!
Also for you compost users out there – Remember to place your bins a little further into your yard than normal on Tuesday!