We collected from 84+ households and raised $286 for Balcones Park!
We had such a large response in fact that at 9:50am we had a completely FULL trailer and van! A Huge Thanks to H & H Design and Build Inc (Karl Hanson) who loaded all morning, sponsored the event and even unloaded! Another Huge Thanks to Joanie A, John M, Carolyn S, Lynnette T, Bethany M, Tim M, Garry B, Ed E, Dale B, Sharon R, Jean M, Penny K, Theresa T, Timur T, John M, Charlie, AND St. Stephen’s Baptist Church! So great to see so many friendly faces and help get so much BOPA to the best spot!
Don’t Forget if you have Styrofoam – Lynnette T. is here to help. Simply make sure it is dry, clean & bagged and place on her front porch at 12011 Trianon.
A BIG Thanks to Our Event Sponsor & Neighbor: H&H Build and Design
Is there a similar event this year? For some reason it’s on my calendar but I can’t find any info on it.