Our Curbside Composting Company, Break It Down, has offered to provide 2 barrels within Milwood and Walnut Crossing for anyone that wants to drop off their pumpkins for compost to save them from the landfill! So if you don’t have a compost heap, neighbor with chickens, and want to save your trashcan from your pumpkin…
The barrels will be available for pumpkins to deposit until Monday, Nov 7. Please NO METAL or PLASTIC of any kind. Wax and Water Based Paints are OK!
Barrel Locations are:
4606 Adelphi (near Wycliff/Adelphi intersection, the house with the very big lot)
12006 Scribe (3rd house in from Amherst opposite the park side).
Please note that if you already have a neighbor getting the Curbside Composting Pick-up from Break It Down (which you can tell if you see a Black 10 gal Bucket on their curb every Tuesday) then you could just ask them if you can add your pumpkin next to their bin before Pick-Up on Tuesday, so no need to deliver them to a barrel as long as they are mostly intact. More details on composting at your curb.