The Jan 28th Balcones Trail Meeting seemed a success! The City confirmed that it will:
1. Add a Switchback to make a more user friendly Trail Design behind Scribe Drive. (Segment 4)
2. Find a solution for the Low Water Crossing where the creek will cross the Trail below the ball field off of Scribe/Canter. (Segment 2)
3. Allow for a temporary small trail re-route during the construction of the Waste Water Project so users can still access trails in and through the park safely. (off Segment 4)
4. Work from two staging areas so the different segments of the trail can be under construction at the same time, so the project’s time frame will be shortened by 9 to 12 months and the trail isn’t dependent on the Waste Water Project’s timeline. (Pertains to all Segments)
The switchback route is at 30% design and is projected to go out to bid in Dec 2016 and to be completed by Dec 2017.
The Waste Water Utility Project, which is going out to bid this month, is estimated to last 18 months with the Trail portion of the project to be completed within 12 months so Dec 2017 as well.
Segment 5 is still undefined at the moment, but will either be a crushed granite path or a 8ft wide concrete trail connecting Scribe Dr to the trail.
Another Thanks to Milwood’s own Erik Harris for all his hard work and countless hours on this project!