Scam Alert – Security System/Salesperson Solicitor Scam & Free Windows in Milwood

Hi Neighbors. Please be aware that there is a young man or maybe several men working our area with a security scam. They try to gain entry by implying that they are with your security company and are to “upgrade” or “replace” your current system. They might or might not claim to have an appointment. Do NOT let them inside.

If you see them, please try to gather any details (description, license plate #, etc) if you can do so safely and then call 911 immediately and report them with any details you can provide on the direction that they are heading. The cops would like to have a word with them.

Some current details obtained by other neighbors are:
– License Plate # DBM 20##, Ford Focus, rented from Longhorn in Florida in June
– Man in his 30’s wearing white polo type shirt with kakhi shorts. No ID to share.
– Might be wearing a collared shirt or name badge that says Honeywell or Capital

Apparently this is a common scam: “The sales agents may state or imply that they are from your existing security company and that they’re there to “upgrade” or “replace” your current security system. Once inside your home, however, they may install a new security system and have you sign papers that include a costly contract for the monitoring service.”

Also if you have the time call ADT at 800-238-2727 as well. They are trying to track them.

During our Crime Prevention Training in May, it was advised that when you have a solicitor to not feel the need to open your door but DO let that person know that someone is home, whether that is you yelling through a window or door that you can’t open your door right now (“you are on your phone” or “have your hands full polishing your shotgun”) or turning on a light or making a loud noise inside. Anything.

The reason why is often times burglars will knock first to make sure the home is vacant as 9 out of 10 times they are looking for an easy, empty target.

If you have children that stay home alone please pass this information along and hopefully tell them to also have a cell phone in their hand when they are making themselves “heard” and which neighbors to run to in case of an emergency.

Remember to Remove All Valuables from your Car & Lock all Doors!

For more tips on staying safe and preventing crime click HERE

MNA was also notified that there might be an additional scam presented by two young guys, 20-ish, white, driving a Silver Honda of some sort, one stayed in the car the other guy was knocking on doors then moving the car as they went along offering free windows… The guys were working the neighborhood looking for a “sample” house to put free windows on? They were seen around Arrowwood & Pelham streets Wednesday and Sidereal on Tuesday.

Please be cautious in regards to these things and make sure you do your homework and see confirming paperwork before you even consider letting them into your house. If you are unsure at your door, 311 can be a helpful tool as they can often times give you the information you would need on requirements for vendors / solicitors going door to door and might also discourage the solicitor if they have ill intentions.

Also it never hurts to write down descriptions, license plates, etc just in case you should need them down the road.

If you have a bad feeling simply call 911 immediately and report them with any details you can provide and the direction that they are heading.

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1 Response to Scam Alert – Security System/Salesperson Solicitor Scam & Free Windows in Milwood

  1. M.L. vanTinteren says:

    I need to inform you that I moved away from the Millwood neighborhood, so please, take me off your mailing list.
    Thank you for your good work!

    Best regards,
    Linda van Tinteren

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