Accessory Dwelling Units Process Moving Forward
At the June 18 Council meeting, preliminary changes to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) regulations passed on first reading only. There are a range of potential ADU reforms moving forward, so Council Member Casar has proposed to break up pending issues over two meetings of the Planning and Neighborhoods Committee (PNC).
To process all of these issues, the Committee will consider half of them in August before second reading at Council, and then the other half in September before third reading. Though the public hearing has been closed at Council, public testimony will be welcomed at these two Committee meetings.
A draft schedule is included below. If there is an ADU issue or recommendation you would like include in this two-month process, please let our office know ( The ADU reforms under consideration involve multiple departments, and are not limited to land development code changes.
August 17 PNC Meeting (4 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall):
Short Term Rental (Type-I &Type-II Regulations)
City Financing/Loan Programs
Pre-Approved Designs
Parking Requirements
September 21 PNC Meeting (4 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall):
Lot Size Requirements & Structure Size Regulations
Affordability Requirements & Housing Preservation Incentives
Neighborhood Opt-In and Opt-out
Sub-Metering/Water Utility Issues
Please know that any feedback or comments can be sent to We appreciate hearing neighborhood feedback on this important issue.
– Courtesy of Annie Boggs, Policy Aide for Council Member Leslie Pool, District 7