–Information from North Austin Coalition:
The City Auditor will be posting applications for the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission today Jan 18th at their website: www.austintexas.gov/10-ONE. Deadline for Applications is Feb. 22. What is this commission? Its a group of citizens who are going to design the map that splits Austin into 10 districts. The 14 citizens will be pulled in a lottery system, but those who can fill the pool with the MOST applicants will still have a better chance of getting their applicants on the commission. We need to mobilize.
Let me repeat that – we NEED to mobilize and get people signed up!
AGR have graciously agreed to send a speaker for our Jan 21st Town Hall meeting to answer questions people might have on the application process for the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. So we will hold the Town Hall from 7-9 and talk about 10-1 and what it means for our end of town. We will turn the floor over to Ed English for the last 15 minutes, and he will answer questions on the applications process. The Town Hall meeting is at St. Alberts, Metric Blvd. 7pm-9pm, in the Parish Hall!
There are now THREE other ways to get info on the redistricting if you cannot make our meeting on January 21st:
- Austin Neighborhood Council will have their monthly meeting next Weds at the Electric Building on Barton Springs. The City Auditor will be there to answer questions about the application. more info: www.ancweb.org.
- League of Women’s Voters will have a Workshop Open to the Public on Feb 2nd. This is not a meeting, its a workshop and people can come and go any time during the workshop. The idea is for people to drop in, get help with the application, or get their questions answered. Here is their release: The League of Women Voters of the Austin Area is sponsoring an “Open, Nonpartisan Workshop on How to Apply for the Austin Citizens Independent Redistricting Commission” to provide information and support to those considering applying to serve on this commission. Saturday, February 2. Carver Library, 1161 Angelina Street, 78702. 12:30 to 4:30 pm. Come anytime during that period. RSVPs not required.
- The City Auditor will also be holding 5 public meetings Jan. 19th through Jan. 26th. More info here:
-Mary R
GWNA Coach