These are some excerpts from the most recent North Austin Coalition of Neighborhoods newsletter. The full newsletter can be found here.
Special Town Hall Meeting on 10-1 Districting -Jan 21st!
The 10-1 plan means the north end of town will be split into 3 districts. Which means we need to decide where North Austin wants to go next and we need to do that as a community.
–Between the high growth and increasing density, we would be well served to figure out how to work together and align our goals and needs before the first elections in November 2014.
–We also need to think about the other players. Downtown, West Austin, and the Mayor will have 1 vote each. That means if we want to, we could have 3 votes to their 3 votes. (That out to level the playing field a bit, huh?)
7:00-9:00pm, Parish Hall – St. Albert Catholic Church
12041 Bittern Hollow, Austin, TX 78758
Who is invited: Anybody who lives at this end of town – we are roughly talking about the area east of Mopac and North of 22222, but it all depends on how the maps get drawn. This is a meeting for us to all get together, do some brain storming, and talk zabout possible alliances.
I will restate this again – this is not about NACN. As the current president, I am willing to consider dissolving the North Austin Coalition of Neighborhoods and dissolving our leadership if that’s what is needed to get us into a better position for 10-1. This is about doing what’s best for my neigborhood and I believe that what serves the north end of town best is also going to be what serves Gracywoods.
(I do have copies of ANC’s 10-1 maps they made in 2011, if you would like to see an idea of how the lines will probably fall.)
APD Alert:
Once again, thieves are targeting Hondas (Ford and Chevy trucks and Hondas are very popular):
The Austin Police Department Auto Theft Interdiction Project is urging owners of Honda Accords and Honda Civics to be aware that auto thieves are targeting their vehicles. During the weekend of January 4 – January 7, 2013, sixteen Hondas were stolen. Most of these Hondas are 1990’s models.
FYI -Hays County is also report an uptick in solicitor break-ins.