Yes, it’s actually come to this. Now, we all try to be good neighbors, generally. But sometimes it helps to post a friendly reminder to keep the peace in the neighborhood.
Our usual complaints relating to animals are most often 1) loose cats wandering around and 2) dogs pooping on lawns without the waste being disposed of properly.
Now we have received a complaint that some folks are putting the poop they DO pick up in other people’s trash bins. However, the deposits are happening, apparently, without first closing the poop bag or otherwise just dumping the poop directly in the bin.
After checking with the City of Austin via 311, I confirmed that putting poop (bagged or otherwise) into someone else’s trash bin is considered “illegal dumping.” Yes, really.
Another curious tidbit that I learned on the call to 311 is that if you catch someone leaving dog poop in a yard without picking it up, you must (presumably after identifying said offender) file a report with the Municipal Court.
The bottom line is, should you catch someone in the act of “illegally dumping” poop in your trash bin, you should call 911 immediately (yes, 911 and not 311) and report the illegal dumping.
Or, you might just smile and be happy that the nice neighbor walking their dog had the courtesy to take the time to dispose of their dog’s waste appropriately.