Homeless Park, a slightly fuller discussion prior to the meeting on the 29th

Last week we let you know that the city is seeking to site a park to service the homeless, with one potential location being a site on Braker-Burnet. As a runup to our opportunity to get together on the 29th to discuss the homeless park, we wanted to be sure to point you again to the great information hosted by our friends at North Austin Coalition of Neighborhoods.

When we sent out an email to the neighborhood earlier this month, I got back a substantial number of responses and requests for information.

We politely asked city staff to attend the 29th meeting; they politely declined. Their response was that they want instead to “assemble a “working group” of stakeholders in the vicinity of the proposed Mobile Loaves & Fishes RV Park site,” and that “City staff are re-evaluating how to proceed.”

Additionally, they mentioned that they thought that “Milwood is significantly removed from the site under debate.”

While I know the city staff in question and respect them as professionals, this is a bad approach.

I find it disappointing that city staff does not understand that as long as they retain the power to make a recommendation to Council, and Council could act with one decision to lease the property for a dollar, people are going to be agitated at the uncertainty, and want to talk. There is no barrier to staff recommendation and Council action other than staff restraint. If they are truly reevaluating, they should let people know they will not make a recommendation until a date certain and let the tension subside. If the working group is going to discuss items without the shadow of a schedule to decide set outside of that group, they should say so.

I also find it extremely disappointing that city staff thinks because we are three miles away, we are “significantly removed.” People in this neighborhood take kids to daycare down by this area, shop by this area, and use this area for the rail line they hope people will adopt. City staff not participating when citizens are meeting in earnest interest to discuss a current matter fully in their hands does not raise the trust or the dialogue.

So what are we going to do on the 29th at 7? We will go over the information we have collected, allow for a discussion, and help you be informed when and if you choose to communicate with Council on this item. I’ll try some other avenues through the Council offices to see if there can be some form of city representation. I’ve talked with Council Members on this topic, and they have gotten a lot of feedback, so they hear you when you write.

These are difficult issues; the important ones usually are. No one is a bad guy in this story, so let’s treat each other with respect out there.

City Council

Lee Leffingwell, lee.leffingwell@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2250
Mike Martinez, mike.martinez@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2264
Laura Morrison, laura.morrison@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2260
Sheryl Cole, sheryl.cole@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2255
Bill Spelman, william.spelman@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2258
Chris Riley, chris.riley@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2256
Randi Shade, randi.shade@ci.austin.tx.us 974-2266

You can also email all council members at once from this city webpage

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