Further update from Cap Metro in regards to the steps to launch the train

From Cap Metro:

Many folks have asked me what is still left to do in order for Capital Metro to begin service on the Red Line.


Before we can open for service, we must 

·         Complete some modifications to the traffic control system software

         The Centralized Traffic Control System (CTC) System monitors and controls the location of trains on the rail line. The “vital logic” of the CTC System software is not functioning as desired. During a test that simulated a manual (i.e., human) error, the system did not default to the safest operating mode. Additionally, we have encountered other issues that require software modifications.

·         Finish clarifying operating procedures that govern emergency situations, signal operations, and permissible train locations relative to rail construction work zones (“worker protection”)

·         Complete the documentation that describes how all parts of the entire system work together (the “system integration documentation”)

·         Complete modifications that affect the timing of the gate arms at the Lamar, Braker, and Kramer intersections

·         Finish installing the radio communication system

·         Conduct further testing and final validation of the entire system.


We expect to complete the above tasks in the first quarter of 2010. We will contact the Federal Railroad Administration within 30 days of opening.

default iconMetroRail Board Update September 2009.pdf

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