Street Resurfacing Underway

You have probably noticed that street resurfacing is underway for basically the whole neighborhood. It is part of a preventive street maintenance operation the City of Austin has been using for several decades to keep streets in good condition and prolong their lifetimes. You will get an orange door hanger three days before the operation.

The city asks that you please leave park your cars off street for the process, so look for the door hanger!

Sealcoat is a fast process that typically takes a few hours to a day per street. Once the new asphalt is laid and the rock aggregate is distributed over the hot mix, crews use a heavy roller to embed the aggregate into the “hot mix” and smooth the street surface. At the end of the day’s application, crews sweep up remaining loose rock. The curing process takes several weeks and requires the additional action of cars driving over the surface to further embed the aggregate. You will continue to see loose rock for some weeks after the initial application. During that period, crews also return to the street to continue sweeping up excess rock. The city urges cyclists in particular to watch for recently sealcoated streets and to take alternative routes during the curing process to avoid any loose aggregate generated during the cure.

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