Checklist for mosquito control

As we come out of our Seattle weather patterns (rain rain rain) its a good time to remind you about some practical advice on mosquito control. Containers in your yard that hold standing water can provide a breeding ground that can produce hundreds of new mosquitoes in a just a few days.

Some things to look for:
– Old tires, buckets, aluminum cans, plastic sheeting or other refuse can hold water. Empty accumulated water from trash cans, boats, wheel barrows, pet dishes, and flower pot bottoms. If possible, turn these items over when they are not in use.
– Clean debris from rain gutters and unclog obstructed downspouts. Clogged rain gutters are one of the most overlooked breeding sites for mosquitoes around homes. Remove any standing water on flat roofs or around structures. Repair leaking faucets and air conditioners that produce puddles for several days.
– Change water in bird baths and wading pools at least once a week and keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated. Ornamental pools can be aerated or stocked with mosquito-eating fish. Aeration / water movement helps because mosquitoes prefer quiet, non-flowing water for egg-laying and development.
– Change water in animal watering dishes at least twice a week.

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